Before the release of Pokemon Unite, Fashion Tickets were easily misconstrued as one of the game’s main currencies, but these trendy tickets are a bit harder to collect than any of the actual currencies in Unite. Here’s a brief guide on how to get Fashion Tickets in Pokémon Unite.

There are three main types of in-game currencies available for players to obtain in Pokémon Unite; Aeos Coins, Aeos Gems and Aeos Tickets. These currencies will be obtained by the hundreds, by playing the game and spending real-world money. Pokémon Unite rewards players with Fashion Tickets as an incentive to continuously play the game, which ultimately results in unlocking awesome rewards; including Fashion Tickets.

The Event Missions in Pokémon Unite will reward players with Fashion Tickets. Players will have to complete these Event Missions to claim the rewards.

Players will also be rewarded with Fashion Tickets by cashing in their collected Aeos Energy for Energy Rewards. Not only does the game reward players with Fashion Tickets through the Energy Rewards system, but players can unlock a variety of Trainer Fashion Items, as well.

We’ve got all of the highly addicting MOBA game covered right here, from the latest news to the best guides for Pokémon Unite! Be sure to check out our lists of the Best Pokémon to use in Pokémon Unite and the Worst Pokemon in Pokémon Unite.