If you were wondering why Ember of the Empyrean and Ember of Char are marked as “Not Yet Unlocked” when you’ve already gone Ikora in the Tower to, you know, unlock them, Bungie revealed that this isn’t a bug — but a feature.

In the May 26 This Week at Bungie post, the team revealed that unlocking Ember of the Empyrean and Ember of Char, plus the Ember of Ashes and Ember of Wonder, is a community effort.

How to fully unlock Ember of the Empyrean, Ember of Char, and other Solar 3.0 Fragments

To have access to all the mission Solar 3.0 Fragments, the Destiny 2 community must, as a whole, complete 20 million total Nightmare Containment activities on the Derelict Leviathan. It doesn’t matter which platform you play on or whether you play alone or as a group, so long as you complete the activity in its entirety. Each Guardian in the Destination who participates counts as a completion, however, so the more people in your instance, the more completions you’ll rack up.

Once the community reaches the 20 million threshold, all four Fragments will automatically unlock. There’s a hangup we can probably blame Telesto for, of course. Some players (us included) managed to unlock some of the otherwise locked Fragments, specifically Ashes and Wonder. Two other Fragments, Eruption and Searing, are locked and shouldn’t be. Bungie won’t be revoking or swapping out Fragment permissions, assuring that any Fragments you don’t have right now will eventually be available.

What does Ember of Empyrean do in Destiny 2

The Ember of Empyrean is one of the more powerful Solar 3.0 Fragments. While equipped, any Solar weapons or abilities you use to defeat enemies will extend restoration and radiant effects currently applied to you. Restoration regenerates both health and shields for a duration and cannot be interrupted by damage. The radiant status is a flat damage buff that usually lasts five or ten seconds. Ember of Empyrean can extend both indefinitely, provided there are enough enemies to fight.

What does Ember of Char do in Destiny 2

Another powerful Fragment in Solar 3.0, Ember of Char, causes any ignition effects to spread the scorch status to any enemy damaged by the ignition explosion. Any enemy affected by scorch has several stacks applied to it; when those stacks reach a certain threshold, the affected enemy explodes in a Solar ignition. A build centered around the scorch/ignition chain could cause an endless chain reaction, so long as there are enemies to burn.

What does Ember of Ashes do in Destiny 2

A simpler Fragment than Char or Empyrean, Ember of Ashes allows you to apply more stacks of scorch to enemies with less effort. As a result, you’ll activate ignition explosions more often. Combine Ashes with Char for a fun time.

What does Ember of Wonder do in Destiny 2

Another simple Fragment, Ember of Wonder, spawns Orbs of Power whenever multiple enemies die by ignition at once. Therefore, the Embers of Wonder, Ashes, and Char are designed partly to work together. There are a number of armor mods that use Orbs of Power to activate, so adding Ember of Wonder to a Solar 3.0 build that also relies on Orbs is a great addition to the collection.