After unlocking the Bifrost, many players are likely to notice that there are additional Bifrost Slots that can be unlocked. There are two ways to do this. The first is to purchase Bifrost Keys with Ignea Tokens, and the second is to purchase Crystalline Aura. The first three Bifrost Slots are permanent, whereas the two unlocked via the Crystalline Aura are only available while a subscription is active.
Players who subscribe with the Crystalline Aura will unlock an additional two Bifrost Slots. These will be available for the duration of the subscription.
Additionally, players can unlock two permanent Bifrost Slots by collecting Ignea Tokens. These tokens are awarded for 100% completion of an area. This includes every quest and objective in an area. They can be exchanged at an NPC in each of the major cities for a variety of rewards, including the Bifrost Keys.
Ignea Token Locations in Lost Ark
- RethramisYudiaWest LuterraEast LuterraTortoykAnikkaArthetineNorth VernShushireRohendelYornFeiton
For more Lost Ark goodies, check out All Mokoko Seed locations in Rigens Village in Lost Ark on Pro Game Guides.