Corporate jobs are one of the many types of jobs you can get in Bitlife. Here’s how to get one and what you will need to do in order to live a successful virtual, corporate life. 

What is a corporate job in Bitlife

Corporate jobs are a type of job in BitLife that have the words Corporate next to them and joining them will have the player working for a large corporation. 

Some corporate jobs players can join freely and start in low-level positions, but to advance up the corporate ladder and get higher positions, you will typically need a degree of some kind.

Along with this, most jobs will require you to have at least a university-level education or a specific degree before you can get hired. To get hired to corporate jobs that required business school, you will need to go to university and get a degree in mathematics or something similar and then apply to business school and graduate. 

How to get a corporate Job in Bitlife

To get a corporate job, we recommend going to business school, after graduating from a university with a degree in mathematics, and have decent smarts; but this is only if you want higher positions in the company such as CEO. If you just want for example a position as a Director of Engineering, all you need is a university degree relevant to the job.

That being said, to get high smarts, study hard in school and read tons of books and visit the public library—you can also create characters until you get high smart stats.

After that, keep aging until you finish high school and then move on to university and graduate while also studying and keeping your smart stats high. When you graduate, search for business school and apply and graduate. After you graduate from business school, you can look under the job tab for a job that has corporate next to it as shown below. 

For more advanced corporate jobs, you will need a business degree. But for jobs like Apprentice Telemarketer, you won’t need a degree and can simply apply and get hired. However, you may find it hard to advance to higher positions in the company such as CEO without one. For other jobs, you will just need a university degree relevant to the job and a few years under your belt to get some of the senior positions. 

All Corporate Jobs in Bitlife

The following are all of the corporate jobs players can get in Bitlife and their education requirements. We also recommend using this list as a guide for picking the best corporate job for your character in Bitlife. 

  • Telemarketer: None Janitor: None Receptionist: Upper Secondary School Internal Auditor: University Financial Analyst: University Computer Programmer: University  Lobbyist: University Biotechnologist: University Architect: University Business Analyst: University Accountant: University Insurance Agent: Upper Secondary School Environmental Scientist: University Stockbroker: University Operations Analyst: University Database Administrator: University IT Support: University Translator: University Engineer: University Engineering Manager: University Director of Engineering: University Assistant Vice President: Business School Vice President: Business School Senior Vice President: Business School Executive Vice President: Business School Managing Director: Business School CEO: Business School

For more on Bitlife, we at PGG have you covered with a ton of guides on nearly every aspect and feature there is in the game. That being said, we recommend checking out both the How to complete the Bitlife Belko Challenge Guide and How to buy a horse in BitLife.