Throughout the Baja California area portrayed in Forza Horizon 5, players will find many murals created by various art creators that call Mexico home. One of those murals is the eponymous Senkoe’s Mural. This mural will need to be located in Forza Horizon 5 to complete an Accolade challenge in the campaign. How can you find Senkoe’s Mural? Let’s take a look.

To find Senkoe’s Mural, look no further than Playa Azul. Playa Azul is a town on the southeastern part of the Forza Horizon 5 map, and it’s the town that holds The Goliath.

Once you’ve reached the town of Playa Azul, you will want to look for a house. This house is actually purchasable, and it’s called the Lugar Tranquilo.

You don’t have to purchase this house to find the mural, but we should note that it is actually on the complex. If you go around the small orange building, you should find a multi-story house right behind it. Go up to it, and find the mural that features a woman.

Here’s a better look down below:

Much like with the Lion and Bear Murals, which you can also find at the Playa Azul, this mural needs to be found to complete an Accolade related to the Horizon Apex Outpost section of the Festivals challenges. Follow these directions, and you’ll find it in no time.