There are many different types of machines to hunt for parts in Horizon Forbidden West. However, the rarest and most challenging type to hunt and kill is Apex machines. These are variants of the normal machines that Hephaestus has corrupted, made stronger to kill humans more efficiently. These machines award you with Apex Hearts, which are essential for high-level gear, and this guide explains how to find more of them to aid your farming efforts.

How to farm Apex Hearts

While this isn’t ever mentioned by an NPC in the game or picked up in any lore, but more Apex machines spawn at night. So if you’re looking for a specific type of Apex machine, such as a Dreadwing, and visit the Dreadwing locations on the map in the day, you’re unlikely to find that many. However, we’ve found that when you visit these locations at night, you’ll often come across an Apex variant.

This could be for many reasons, such as Hephaestus wanting to surprise humans by sending out lethal machines at night or spawning them ready for the morning hunters. Regardless, if you’re looking for Apex Hearts, you should wait until nighttime and go hunt then. You can pass the time at any shelter or major settlement, meaning you can quickly change the time of day to night and start hunting for the resources you need.