Along with Copper, Cadmium, and Indium, Emeril is one of the four key resources that be refined into Chromatic Metal, a vital building block in No Man’s Sky. In order to gather Emeril you’ll first need to build an Emeril Drive for your spaceship ― and to do that you’ll need Cadmium, so the chances are if you’re at this stage in the game you’ll be largely familiar with the process required to upgrade your ship.

Similarly, if you wanted to progress to collecting Indium, you’ll need 250 units of Emeril, so this is another important step in your continued exploration of the No Man’s Sky universe.

How to build the Emeril Drive and farm Emeril in No Man’s Sky

If you didn’t pick up the blueprint on your Cadmium Drive travels, head to the Space Anomaly where the Starship Research trader will sell you the Emeril Drive plans for 120 Nanites (if you’re lucky, you might find the blueprints on your travels, or perhaps even stumble across a crashed ship with the drive already installed). To build it you’ll need 250x Cadmium and 4x Wiring Looms, with the looms readily available from most trading outlets, such as Space Stations.

Once it’s installed on your ship, open up the galaxy map and look for one of the green star systems. From afar they often look bright white or even appear to have a yellowish tint, but a quick zoom using the free-look camera should help you make sure you’re ready to go to Warp speed. Pretty much every planet in those green systems should have Emeril as a primary resource, but you can use your ship’s planetary scanner to make sure before you land.

As you approach the surface, you should be able to make out the metallic green sheen of the Emeril deposits from your ship, while an on-foot scan with your Analysis Visor will help you locate all nearby sources. Then, simply load up your Terrain Manipulator, head out and start mining every last unit you can carry.

What can you use Emeril for in No Man’s Sky?

On its own, Emeril is needed to make several fresh products and useful upgrades, including the AtlasPass V3, Chromatic Warp Shielding, and Venom Urchin. You may also need to refine it down to make Chromatic Metal, which is one of the fundamental building blocks in the game, used to craft many of the weapons and terminals you’ll need to take your exploration to the next level. Emeril can also be mixed with Ferrite Dust and Oxygen to you 10x Gold, or just with Ferrite Dust alone for 3x Magnetised Ferrite.

As with Copper, Cadmium, and Indium, you can use refined Chromatic Metal from any source and mix it in a medium or large refiner with Emeril to get 2x Emeril — which can be useful if you’re rich in one resource but short in another. There is also another more laborious trick for farming Emeril one unit at a time if you’re really stuck. To do this you use 2x Emeril to create 3x Chromatic Metal. You then mix 3x Emeril with the 3x Chromatic Metal to give you six Emeril from a starting point of five — opening up a potentially endless supply, as long as you don’t mind the grind.